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How do I report a student's absence? Go to the Report A Student Absence Form BEFORE 9:30 a.m. each day of absence.

What if my student arrives late? Please send them to campus with a note that includes: the student's first and last name, date, and reason and signed by the parent. If your student has a medical appointment, please send them back to school with the note from the doctor.

What if my student has to leave early? Please fill out the Early Dismissal Form    with as much advance notice as possible.  If advance notice is not given, you will need to come in person to sign your student out .  **Please note that this form does close from 11AM to 1PM everyday during the lunch period.  

What time is attendance taken each day?  Attendance is taken each class period.

For questions regarding Early Dismissals please contact

For questions regarding Absences please contact


  • Please try to pick up your student during passing periods to alleviate the number of interruptions to the classroom. Please refer to the Bell Schedule.

  • Please do not call, leave a voicemail or email for a pick-up time. The office is very busy and we cannot guarantee that we will have your student check-out on time.

  • Please do not text your student to come and wait in the office. The Early Release Form must be completed in the morning in order for your  student to be released for pick up.

  • Please make sure your student has an appointment, or excuse note every time they return to school. The student will sign in at the Eagles Nest or Front Office with their note and will be given an “Admit Slip” to get back into class.

  • Please tell your student if they don’t feel well, the proper procedure is to go through the nurse first and she will call a parent to pick up when necessary.

  • Documentation - Excused/Unexcused Absences. If documentation is necessary, please provide a doctor's note.

  • Excessive Absences - Students who have excessive absences  will have to make up seat time and/or may be subject to Truancy charges. Truancy charges may be filed if a student is absent ten or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in the same school year, or is absent on three or more days or parts of days within a four-week period. This includes being late to the first period or picked up early from the last period.

  • Unexcused absences -  on test days will result in a maximum grade of 70. 

  • DPS/DMV Absences - State Law and school guidelines allow a student who is 15 years or older to be excused from school one time per school year for the purpose of obtaining their Drivers Permit or Drivers License.  This does not apply to taking their driving test at a Driving School.  Proper documentation must be provided upon return to school for the absence to be excused.  

  • College Visits -  Juniors and Seniors are allowed two school days per year by the state for college visits. One of these days may be used as a travel day. Proper documentation is required in order for the visit to be excused.  

  • Career Exploration - Juniors and Seniors are allowed two school days per year by the state for career exploration visits. One of these days may be used as a travel day. Proper documentation is required in order for the visit to be excused.  

  • Military Recruitment - Students who are 17 years of age or older and pursuing enlistment in a branch of the United States Armed Services or the National Guard are allowed 2 days per school year for “military recruit” absences. Proper documentation is required upon return for the absence to be excused.